Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wood Badge Ticket

Laura L. Gore
Wood Badge Ticket 2011 – Deadline July 15, 2011 (all dates subject to change)

Vision: The participating Cub Scout will learn what other Cub Scouts in different parts of the world live and practice scouting.

Mission: I will find two Cub Scout Packs in different parts of the country or world (For Pilot Project select two packs in different areas of WNY so I can document their progress) to exchange Cutout Cub Scouts with each other to learn how the boys in the other pack live and practice scouting

Pilot Program one-month exchange May 2011

  • Cub Master (or Den Leader) contact another Den or Pack to exchange Cardboard Cub Scouts with. – Done by April 1, 2011
    • Need contact information
      • Name of adult Pack Leader
      • Phone number
      •  Email
  • Each Den or Pack designs a cardboard Cub Scout.
    • Make at least 3 samples to illustrate the idea – Done by April 1, 2011
    • Make template – simple outline of a boy – Done by April 1, 2011
    • Cub Pack or Den deadline for creation of Cardboard Cub Scout April 30, 2011
    • Pack or Den should also write an letter of introduction and take some photos to send with the Card Board Cub Scout – Done by April 30, 2011
  • Pack or Den exchanges Cardboard Cub Scouts with designated Pack or Den
    • Package in mail by May 7, 2011
  • Photos should be taken of the Cardboard Cub Scout “participating” in Den or Pack activities.
    • Should be done at pack meeting in May and Den meeting in May 2011Any Outdoor Pack or Den activities should be included
    • Include any religious activity
    • Include any cultural activity
    • Include any ways a disability effects scouting
    •  Include any sport participation
    • Include any pack or den traditions
  • A Cub Scout can be chosen each week to adopt the Cardboard Cub Scout and take him home for the week
    • He is encouraged to take photos and write about the week stay with him
    •  Include any religious activity
      • Cub can design religious outfit or props for the Cutout Cub Scout to use
    • Include any cultural activities 
      • Cub can design different outfits and props for the Cutout Cub Scout to use
    • Include any ways a disability effects home life
      •  Cub can design props for the Cutout Cub Scout to use
    • Include any sport participation
      • Cub can design props for the Cutout Cub Scout to use
    • Include any family traditions
      • Cub can design props for the Cutout Cub Scout to use
  • Website or scrapbook is assembled by each Den or Pack that will be sent back to the Cardboard Cub Scouts Pack or Den. – Package sent out by June 7, 2011
    • This should show all the things the Cardboard Cub Scout did with the Den, Pack or family.
    • This allows the Pack or Den to learn about another Cub Scout Pack Den or scouts.
    • This also provides a great way to get new ideas for your Cub Scout Pack or Den to do.


  • Design aspects of the Cutout Cub Scout
    • Design a Cardboard Cub Scout as an example – Deadline April 1, 2011
      • 12” high
      • Wearing Uniform
      • Write an accompanying back-story for the Cub Scout.
    • Design an example scrapbook for Cardboard Cub Scout photos. – Deadline April 1, 2010
      • Take photos of Cardboard Cub Scout doing activities with their pack or Den
      •  Get at least 4 or 5 scouting events documented
        • Some may have to be staged
        • Get back-stories for each event to include in scrapbook.
    • Set up facebook page to help find interested packs to participate (Done -
    • Create a Cutout Cub Scout email address (Done cardboardcubscout@yahoo)
    • Set up a Cutout Cub Scout blog - An easy way to document the journey and have participants include their own experiences. (Done -
  • Find two Cub Scout Packs to Participate. – Deadline April 1, 2010
    • Must meet on different days from each other
    • Preferably from two very different areas of WNY
      • Rural and Urban
      • Niagara County and Erie County
      •  Different socio-economic classes
    • Help Pack Design Elements for this program 
      • Cardboard Cub Scout similar to example but designed by the Cub Scouts – Deadline April 30, 2011
      • Scrapbook or Website to contain stories and images of the Cardboard Cub Scouts adventures with his adopted pack. – Deadline June 7, 2011
  • Have a special ceremony to send off the adopted Cardboard Cub Scout back to his home Pack or Den. Deadline June 1, 2011
    • Pack can design a special cardboard “badge” for the Cardboard Cub Scout and award it to him.
    • Document with Photos for scrapbook.
    • Award Cardboard Cub Scout with things to remind him of his time with his adopted pack.
  • Create a questioner for participating Packs or Dens to fill about the Cutout Cub Scout
    • From both Leaders and Cub Scouts - Deadline April 30, 2011
      • What did they like
      • What didn’t they like
      • Suggestions to make it better
  • Create a booklet describing the Cutout Cub Scout program that can be distributed to Cub Scout Packs interested in incorporating it into their program. Deadline – June 30, 2011 (1st draft) July 15, 2011 (Final Copy)
    • Include photos of Pilot Cub Scout Packs or Dens utilizing the program
      • Cutout Cub Scout examples
      • Scrapbook examples
      • Website examples if created
    • Include template of Cutout Cub Scout
    • Include suggested ideas
      • Include any religious activity
      • Include any cultural activity
      • Include any ways a disability effects scouting
      • Include any sport participation
      • Include any pack or den traditions
    • Include questioner
    • Include suggestions for use
      • Ideas
      • Ways to include different Cub Scouts
        • Quiet Cub
        • Handicapped Cub
        • Cubs from different nationalities
        • Cubs with different religions
        • Cubs with different family makeup
        • Cubs from different socioeconomic backgrounds
        • Cubs who live in different areas
          • Country
          • City
          • Suburbs
    • Ways to link the program to rank requirements
      • Tiger
      • Wolf
      • Bear
      • Webelos

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